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Mexican-American War




Spanish-American War

American Civil War

American Civil War




United States of America


Union victory


Union States

Confederate States


Abraham Lincoln
Ulysses S. Grant (Useless S)

Jefferson Davis
Robert E. Lee



750,000 - 1,000,000





The American Civil War was a war involving the Union states and the Confederacy in US. It lasted from 1861-1865. States within the Union were Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. States within the Confederacy were Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Virginia. Kentucky, Kansas, and Missouri remained neutral and part of the Union’s territory, but still kept slavery. All states that weren’t mentioned were founded during the American Wild West. All of the Union states, except for Kentucky, Kansas, and Missouri, abolished slavery whereas all of the Confederate states owned slaves (mainly from Africa, Mexico, and the Caribbean, as well as Native Americans). Small talk have it that Jews organised the slave trade from Africa to America, but those are mostly just conspiracy theories made to make the Jews look bad. In 1863, West Virginia broke away from Virginia. However, Virginia still kept slavery whereas West Virginia abolished it. In 1861, there was the Kansas and Nebraska Act, in which Nebraska disallowed slavery but Kansas did, on the other hand, but still remained a part of the Union, much like Kentucky and Missouri. Regardless, the Union initially could care less about slavery for the first half of the American Civil War. They just wanted to preserve the Union. However, for the Confederacy, it was about slavery from start to finish. While the Union had a strong mix of both industry and agriculture, the south had mostly just the latter with very few of the first. That was a major component of how they lost, alongside the fact that they were highly outnumbered. The Confederacy had pretty good military leaders though and dam if those uniforms weren't cool.

Arthur Morgan, Dutch van der Linde, Hosea Matthews, Grandpa, Colonel Daren and Mayor Griffon were all in the American Civil War together and they fought for the Union states prior to settling out west, while the archenemy gang of Dutch's Gang called the O’Driscoll Gang, had previously fought for the Confederate states along with William Williamson and Thomas Harlow until his death. Whether all of these RD characters fought in the same units is unknown, although all of Dutch's gang members (minus Williamson) probably did.

Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and Alaska were all founded in 1867, two years after the war. Idaho and Utah were added in 1876, Oklahoma in 1889, Arizona and New Mexico in 1896, and Hawaii in 1898.