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This article, Adrian Balboa, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Adrian Balboa
Adrian Balboa
Biographical information
Real name Adrianna Rosa Balboa
Also known as Adrian, ADRIAN!, Adrian Balboa, Adrian Pennino, Vegan Woman, Environmentalist Girl, Pet Shop Lady, Rocky’s gf, Paulie’s little sister, Connie Corleone lookalike
Nationality Italian-American flag Italian-American
Birthplace Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Physical description
Eye colour Dark Brown
Hair colour Dark Brown
Height 5’4” (163 cm)
Weight 127 lbs (57 kg)
Gender Female
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Apollo Creed, Mary-Anne Creed, Tony Evers, Mickey Goldmill
Enemies Ivan Drago, Nicolai Koloff, Ludmilla Drago, Sergei Rimsky, Manuel Vega, George Washington Duke, Karen, Merlin Sheets, Union Cane, Tommy Gunn, Clubber Lang
Notable family members Rocky Balboa (husband), Rocky Balboa Junior (son), Paulie Pennino (brother)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information

Adrianna Rosa “Adrian” Balboa (née Pennino) is the wife of Rocky Balboa, mother of Rocky Balboa Junior, and younger sister of Paulie Pennino. She was from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and of Italian descent. She was born March 10, 1950 and died on January 11, 2002 from ovarian cancer. She was a lot less talkative than her husband and brother, and also was a former employee at a pet store in which Rocky was a regular customer. She also loved ice skating. She was also a vegan and environmentalist. However, she apparently was okay with the fact that her older brother worked at a meat packing plant, but one can guess that was because the family needed money. Moneh! And her husband, brother, and son all ate meals that weren’t vegan or even vegetarian for the record. She also once cooked a Thanksgiving turkey for Rocky to eat even though Paulie threw it out the window. Her son sometimes eats vegetarian food, tho.
