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This article, Adam (Drunk Guy 2), is property of Billy cougar.

Adam Scarface
Nickname(s) Drunky, drunk guy 2, drunk-card, Alex's BFF, puke guy
Appears in Scarface: Twiy
Rank Drunkard
Affiliations Alex Smith, other drunks, Reginald, Joe Madge
Status Alive
Killed By None
Birth 14th of May, 1974, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Death None
Voice Actor ?
"Oh shit, it's Money Tontana!"
— Adam when he sees Montana

Adam is a minor citizen character featured in Scarface: The World is Yours.


Nothing is known of Adam's background, other than that he is a Paul Mundi fan.


Adam can be found just about as anywhere in Miami at night or early in the morning, along with Alex Smith, Jennie, Sykx, and Karl the Pimp. He can rarely be found at day, and he does appear in Cuba as nothing more than a race giver the player can always interact with for a race. Adam can sometimes even be found drinking at the Venus Bar and puking in the sea soon after.


"Hehehehe, you talkin' to me, dude?"
— Adam
"Yeah, I can't talk right now, I need to get another drink."
— Adam to Tony
"You know, you look like that guy, you know, the one from that movie."
— Adam to Tony
"The funny thing is, I believe you."
— Adam
"Hey, I know you: TONEY!"
— Adam when he sees Montana
"Heyy, Tommy, what do you say we catch up for a few beers, mangg?"
— Adam asking Tone if he wants to drink some beer with him
"H-hey *burps like a fat, drunk pig he is*, Montana, right?"
— Adam when his drunken ass sees Tony


  • When Adam talks about the guy from a movie that Tony looks like, he is talking about Paul Mundi.