Made up Characters Wiki
Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Abbie, is property of Customimage.

Not to be pisstaken with Abigail Peppercorn, also known as Abby or Abigail Marston

Abbie wearing Bikini
Abbie wearing a swimsuit.
Biographical information
Real name Albert
Also known as Abby, Abb, Ab
Age 15
Status GraveDead
Cause of death/incarceration Miss Circle ate him
Physical description
Eye colour Black
Hair colour Black
Blood type Black, ofc
Gender Male Logo Male, apparently
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Lana (crush)
Enemies Miss Circle
Occupation(s) Student
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
"Dam it, I can’t believe I was forced to wear a swimsuit!"
— Abbie at the beach

Abbie, real name Albert, was a supporting character featured in Fundamental Paper Education. He was a student at the Paper School before he was unfortunately killed due to failing his grade. His teacher, Miss Circle, took no nonsense and no mercy and so she ate him alive. She was one hungry woman anyway, so even if Abbie did complete his math test, someone else would share his fate. Sad day, regardless. It'd be a good day for Abbie, though.

During the summer break, Abbie was forced by his rude cousin to wear a pink, girl's swimsuit. His cousin had a bullying streak and knew of Abbie's bisexual orientation and so, he replaced his usual, yellow swimming gear with a pink, female one, humiliating him at the beach. His crush, Lana, wasn't impressed and the fact that Abbie had a female's name and preferred to have long hair, didn't help him at all.
