This article, 10 Worst Human Dictators, is property of Demon Redwood. |
This article, 10 Worst Human Dictators, is property of LénaTutachenko. |
This here is my, well Top10's very own list of the top 10 Worst Dictators of uh, real life. All of these dictators on the list existed in real life, and some were even fictionalised on here, like how Olaf Tutchenko represents Hitla and Kizkakati Feng Jia is Mao Zedong. Their criteria's are made pretty fairly with little to no bias... I think. It is possible that a lot of these boys individually would be in the Hated by Wikia, Magnificent Baddie, Near Pure Evil or Pure Evil categories but most of them, safe for Hitla as we stated, don't have their own pages, but they all probably would be, in the Filled with Evil category, btw.
Oh, I also may or may not do a switcheroonie with some of the ppl.
These list will also include honourable mentions, something the original one doesn't.
Number 10[]
Attila the Hun[]
Attila the Hun was the leader of the Gothic Hunnic Empire, present day Turkey and Hungary, and lead it from 434 to 453, or 1566 BH to 1547 BH.
Attila was a powerful military commander, who liked to rape women and is remembered for his cruelty. Attila and his men destroyed food sources of their enemies, and they tortured and slaughtered rival priests, monks, Turks and nuns. In one year, Attila and his forces wiped 70 cities off the map, either burning them to the ground or killing every single person that lived there.
Most memorable quotes: "Trample the weak! The weak... do not deserve to live!" "It takes less courage to criticise someone else's opinion than to stand by your own." "Everyone has value. Even if they serve as a bad example."
Good things he did: He spared an assassin's life and let him join his ranks when he proved his worth.
Death: Attila died by choking on his own blood on his wedding night after eating too lavishly. It seems that he lived too good a life.
Number 9[]
Idi Amin Dada[]
Idi Amin Dada was the dictator of Uganda and the general of the Ugandan Army and is the so-called uncrowned King of Scotland and the conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in general and Uganda in particular. His reign lasted only from 19 BH to 11 BH.
Idi Amin Dada, a Muslim convert and antisemite, was the ruthless dictator of Uganda and a wannabe Scottish king thanks to his country being invaded by the Britons in his childhood. He believed himself to be the destroyer of the British oppression and saviour to his people, while spitting on the white man in general. Around 500,000 people were killed under his regime, and his rule was stained with nepotism, corruption, political repression and oppression and rumours of cannibalism.
Most memorable quotes: "It's not for me. I tried human meat and it's too salty for my tastes." "I am a hero to Africa! Not a dictator." "There is freedom of speech, but I cannot promise freedom after speech."
Good things he did: He broke Uganda from the oppressive regime of the United Kingdom and taught those honkies some manners.
Death: Idi was poisoned by his political opponents in Saudia Arabia and croaked the day they returned him to Uganda on 16 August, 3 AH.
Number 8[]
Genghis Khan[]
Genghis Khan was the leader of the Mongol Empire and is the most famous person to ever exist in Mongolia and probably the first (and usually the only) thing one thinks of when they hear of Mongolia. He lead his horsey empire from 1206 to 1227, basically 21 years, or from 794 BH to 815 BH.
Genghis Khan was a serial rapist and raped almost every women that walked the lands his men conquered. He also tortured and slaughtered his enemies and those who resisted him in brutal ways. He raped so many women in fact, that a lot of world's population still carries his DNA. Well, 12 million people at least. Maybe you are one of the lucky ones?
Most memorable quotes: "I am the wrath of God, fools! Today you pay for your sins!" "If you're afraid of doing something, don't do it! If you're not afraid, just do it." "The strength of our walls depend on the courage of those who guard them."
Good things he did: He was very secular and allowed religious people to practice their religion freely in his empire... as long as they didn't took things too far.
Death: Genghis died from Bubonic plague on his deathbed in his palace after a campaign.
Number 7[]
Pol Pot[]
Pol Pot was the leader of the Communist Party of Kampuchea and is the most famous person to ever exist in Cambodia, similar to Genghis' situation and he is probably the first (and usually the only) person one thinks of when they hear Cambodia. His reign lasted from 24 BH to 27 BH.
Pol Pot, although a charismatic genius, was also a brutal and relentless dictator of Cambodia and lead his party with an iron grip. He wanted to mass genocide his own country so he could rebuild it with entirely new people, only those who would prove to be loyal to him and those who were dumb as bricks so they would only be able to follow orders. Pol Pot starved and murdered 2 million of his own people, and during his reign the life expectancy dropped to 18 years old in Cambodia.
Most memorable quotes: "I want you to know that everything I ever did - I did for my country." "He who protests is the enemy. He who opposes? He is a corpse." "When I die, my only wish is that Cambodia remains in the hands of the West. I am aware that it is over for communism, and I want to stress that. Maybe Cambodia will indeed be better in the hands of the West and imperialists."
Good things he did: He realised his mistakes after retirement, and wished for Cambodia to become allied to the West to atone for his mistakes.
Death: Pol Pot died from heart failure before he could be fully charged for his crimes in court.
Number 6[]
Ivan the Terrible[]
Ivan the Terrible was a Russian tsar and probably the most brutal one ever, excluding Vladimir Putin, who ruled the Russian Empire from 467 BH to 453 BH.
Ivan the Terrible Vasilyevich was a narcissistic christian leader, who tortured and killed all those who presented a threat to him, including the rival nobility. He was known for his brutality, as he gouged the eyes out of his architect after he constructed his basil of St. Basilica to prevent him from ever constructing something so beautiful like that again. However, he later regretted this. He also killed his daughter-in-law and her child, before deciding to strike his own son down in self-defence. As his son was dying, he decided to eat parts of his head, something he also later regretted.
Most memorable quotes: "Every man is the architect of his own future and fortune." "Sometimes I don't know what to hate more... Everyone or everything." "I would prefer to be feared than loved. Only fear commands obedience!"
Good things he did: He regretted most of the bad stuff he did.
Death: Ivan died of a stroke while playing chess. He just moved his rook to the north, but was about to lose anyway.
Number 5[]
Mao Zedong[]
Mao Zedong was a Chinese dictator and founder of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) which still holds power to this day in his country of China. His reign lasted from 55 BH to 24 BH. He is one of the few "meme dictators" on this list.
Mao Zedong was a genius, self-made-man of a leader, but also a brutal dictator, who had anyone who even possessed the slightest hint of threat or opposition to him, killed or tortured to death. Mao grew up on rural farmlands and came to power through revolution. After gaining said power, he was responsible for massive famines and deaths all over China and Tibet during his Great Leap forward idea. While the Great Leap was indeed successful in industrialising China and making it one of the most powerful countries on Earth, Mao still killed between 40 to 70 million people during his reign. In fact, he killed the most people in entire history and is the closest we will ever get to a real life Thanos.
Most memorable quotes: "Politics is war without bloodshed while war is just politics with bloodshed." "When there is no food, people starve to death. However, it is better to let half of the people die so the other half can eat their fill." "Not having the correct political point of view is like having no soul."
Good things he did: He transformed China into the global superpower it is today.
Death: Mao suffered a heart attack and died a few days after it.
Number 4[]
Lucius D. Nero Claudius Caesar[]
Nero was a Roman emperor and a popular dictator who ruled Ancient Rome from 54 AD to 68 AD. He is remembered for his cruelty towards the arising christian sects and cults and was painted as the coming of Lord Antichrist in the Holy buybull.
Nero was brought up under the tutelage of his mother, Agrippina, and was the adopted son of Claudius I when his real father croaked. When he came to power after Claudius' death instead of his stepbrother (whom Agrippina had killed), he was still considered only a puppet leader while his mother pulled the strings. In 59 AD, Nero finally managed to get rid of his "dear, old mom" and ruled as a dictator surrounded by only those he trusted. However, Nero's rule was often associated with tyranny, bigotry and extravagance. After the Great Fire of Rome accident, Nero blamed the christians for it and had them tortured, burnt and thrown to the lions to atone for their mistakes. He also did this to anyone he felt could oppose him and was regarded as the Antichrist in the bible, but a hero in the Torah due to his wife's favourable treatment of Jews.
Most memorable quotes: "How I wish I couldn't write." "Hidden talents count for nothing. It is on the outside which matters and shines." "What an artist dies in me."
Good things he did: He made Rome very powerful, cared for the common people and kept to Roman-Pagan traditions.
Death: Nero committed suicide when he was attacked by the rivals in the senate who wished to overthrow him.